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Re: DS - Size 1 Walker Minis??

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t...
Date: 08 Feb 2001 10:42 GMT
Subject: Re: DS - Size 1 Walker Minis??

>----- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -----
> >	What minis do you use for the size 1 infantry walkers? I was 
> > looking at the GZG ones and the Battletech Power Armor blisters 
> > (24 figs). TheBattletech look like they are smaller then the GZG 
> > ones but it is hard to tell from just pictures.
> I use plastic GW figures, from their now OOP "Stompers" boxed set.  > 
The "Chaos Dreadnaught" is a favorite: it's not particularly chaotic > 
in appearance, and instead of arms it has an RFAC on one side and a 
> GMS on the other.  Good against infantry AND armor, and cheap to 
> boot.

Yes, I like and use that one too. Though, by analogy with the 
full-sized figure for the 'Starquest' game, that shouldn't be a GMS but
a salvo 
missile launcher(SLAM).

Karl Heinz

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