Re: [OT] GW Lord of the Rings and my age
From: Brian Burger <yh728@v...>
Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2001 12:31:04 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [OT] GW Lord of the Rings and my age
On Sat, 3 Feb 2001, Laserlight wrote:
> Popeyes said:
> Amen, brother Amphibian! Youth is life blood to our war gaming hobby -
> especially to those of us who enjoy "historical" war gaming. If we
> don't
> bring in the GW Warhammer victims and the D&D players, we are fools
> indeed.
> Step 1: "Hey, I need some help. I'm taking a cruiser squadron, and I
> need an opponent to take a superdreadnought,"
> Step 2: <shaking head ruefully> "Gosh, you really clobbered me..."
> Step 3: "Want to try again?"
We've been rehabilitating a small group of GW victims at our game club,
using Ft & SG2 as our therapy tools. It's going amazingly well - there's
bit of stressing over 'What weapons does that figure have again?" when
answer is "Well, what weapons do you want him to have?", but it's
generally good gaming all around.
I even had one of the recovering GW victims tell me during yesterday's
game that it was more fun than 40K, although he wishes there were rules
for demons in SG2. When I told him to go write some rules for demons in
SG2 if he wanted them, that kind of startled him...
The amazing cheapness of 15mm stuff compared to GW's 28mm figures also
Brian - -