Re: Women warriors
From: KH.Ranitzsch@t... (kh.ranitzsch)
Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2001 10:44:42 +0100
Subject: Re: Women warriors
----- Original Message -----
From: "Glenn M Wilson" <>
> I know Beth has posted (IIRC) her (for lack of a memory I will call
> Battle Nuns - PA also (again IIRC) plus has them on the web page with
> some other of her Armies. Anybody else have an army of female
> or Regulars? I have my motley female Adventurers from my D&D DM days
> use as militia troops in fantasy medieval war games and a few McEwan
> armed civilian figures but that's it.
Well, I have:
A 25 mm Amazon Army for the fantasy game 'Hordes of the Things' by
manufacturers, including the nice '100 club' Amazons from Eureka
and the 'Warrior Princess' from GZG.
In my historical 15 mm Skythian army for DBM, a command of headhunting
(mostly Falcon figures).
My Stargrunt squads are mostly mixed-sex, and I have a street gang of
babes and am painting up the battle nuns.
Karl Heinz