re:[OT] Space Exploitation Games & SciFi Books
From: Michael Llaneza <maserati@f...>
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 11:54:32 -0800
Subject: re:[OT] Space Exploitation Games & SciFi Books
At 8:13 AM -0800 1/25/01, Tony Christney wrote:
><x-flowed>I think that online distribution is great. It allows small
>games to actually be published. One of my all time favorite
>games ever is Escape Velocity Override, published by Ambrosia.
>Sorry to PC users, but it is Mac only. Now if I had a dollar
>for every pilot I named Han Solo...
>My point is that if all games were published in the same way,
>many really great games would never have a chance to see your
>hard drive.
Right now the major PC gaming websites act as distribution points for
game demos and patches ( as well as news. If the
distribution system for games changed to Internet only, then I think
we'd see those sites listing and promoting games for online sale
(think affiliate programs, wait ! they're patented !).
Of course, there are a lot of games now that should never see your
hard drive (Star Trek New Worlds for one).
Michael Carter Llaneza
Veteran, Bermuda Triangle Expeditionary Force, 1991-1950
Devolution is very real to me.
Whenever I hear the "Odd Couple" theme, I get this image of Dennis