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RE: [SG2] Sample platoon organization - request advice

From: "Robertson, Brendan" <Brendan.Robertson@d...>
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 09:40:58 +1100
Subject: RE: [SG2] Sample platoon organization - request advice

It is worth having a heavy weapon team as you get both light antiarmour
capability and a *Very* long range (for SG).  
They become a good place to hide a weak command element (green 3 etc) as
they still get 12" range bands against infantry, but won't cause many
casualties due to the low quality and d8 impact vs infantry (see heavy
weapons vs infantry in the vehicle section).

Normally with my OU, in a larger game, I field 2 teams of 2 GMS/L AA
Harlequins; only d6 guidance against ground targets, but will usually
a few suppressions to allow other units to engage.

Neath Southern Skies -
[Pirates] Dame Captain Washalot
[MKW2] Admiral Peter Rollins - Task Force Zulu-Beta
[Firestorm] Battletech PBeM GM

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 7:21 AM
>	Heavy Weapons Team - Corporal, 3 soldiers and M201.
>		All carry M10Rs.
>	M201 - RFAC/1 on ground mount.	Fire control d6 (Basic),
>		Impact d10*.
>	Is it really worthwhile to include the M201?  I like 
> the idea of having a "heavy" machine gun in each platoon,
> but I don't know if the rules support the idea very well.

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