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Re: [FT] Wave Gun (was: OU & IC & FB3)

From: "Peter Mancini" <peter_mancini@m...>
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 15:27:44 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT] Wave Gun (was: OU & IC & FB3)

That is a beautiful concept.  I am reminded that in the later shows they
banks of teeps on duty.  Let me make it even more Genre based.	In B5
teeps all had a P level.  PsiCorp said this went from 1-10. 1 being Deja
like ability and 10 being Bester.  It is a logrithmic scale with the 
majority of teeps being 1's, with the rest rapidly decending in number
you get to a handful of 10's.  The of course their is John Ironheart who
a P20 (X-Men level).

So, here is a quickly cobbled together table.  Rank your Teep bank at a 
particular P-Lvl.  Each teep gets 1 die.  Each Range Band (RB) is 6mu. 
So a 
P-10 can reach out 60mu.  Your typical P5 can reach out 30mu.

P-lvl  Dice/RB	    % of Population  Cost (no mass)
-----  -----------  ---------------  --------------
1      1/1	    34% 		2
2      1/2	    17% 		3
3      1/3	    11% 		7
4      2/4	     9% 	       15
5      2/5	     7% 	       36
6      2/6	     6% 	       91
7      3/7	     5% 	      182
8      3/8	     4% 	      365
9      3/9	     4% (rnd)	      729
10     4/10	     3% 	     1458
20     5/20	    Unique	    Unique

This makes up through P5 reasonable.  As for the rediculous cost of the 
higher leves, consider this, after P6 I altered the formula which other
would have tripled the cost of the P10.  The cost reflects the rarity of
teep and not any actual money, per say.  Basically they are a hard
to come by.  You could also use a deck of cards and the decent p5 and 
above's are face cards.  After you paid a basic price you then draw from
deck.  if you end up with a non face card you have a P1-4 depending on

Better yet, forget points, these guys are genre gimics and should only 
appear in scenarios.

Each die produces the following effects

1-3: "I'm picking up an offer from 1-800-mypsychic...",  No Effect
4: Slow main drive by 1
5: Slow main drive by 1/2 disable 1 weapon (defenders choice)
6: Shadow main drive fully disabled, all weapons fully disabled this

Anyway that is off the top of my head.

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