Prev: RE: [FT] Wave Gun (was: OU & IC & FB3) | Next: Re: New on the list |
On Sunday morning at GZG ECC, the best and boldest admirals from the US
Canada--well, at least from the US, but we're hoping to find a Canadian
confident enough to take the field <g>--will meet to decide which
commanders have "the Right Stuff". The rules & design criteria are on
Note that playtesting has induced a couple of changes--mu will be
not cm; the proposed initiative rules have been scrapped and will be
replaced soon.
I will be out of town for most of the next two weeks, starting Monday,
so if
you have questions, don't panic if I don't reply for a couple of days.
Prev: RE: [FT] Wave Gun (was: OU & IC & FB3) | Next: Re: New on the list |