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[FS] DS Infantry Minis

From: Sean Bayan Schoonmaker <s_schoon@p...>
Date: Wed, 03 Jan 2001 14:01:48 -0800
Subject: [FS] DS Infantry Minis

Hello Again,

Same story here - bought them for a project that never really got off 
the ground. All new and unpainted:

2 packs DSM-124 NSL Infantry (24 per pack)
2 packs DSM-127 NAC Infantry (24 per pack)
2 packs DSM-128 NAC Power Armor (24 per pack)
2 packs DSM-129 NSL Power Armor (24 per pack)
5 packs DSM-132 FSE Infantry (24 per pack)
4 packs DSM-133 IF Infantry (24 per pack)
4 packs DSM-134 K'V Infantry (24 per pack)

Once again, direct all offers/inquiries to my email address:

...Bad "reply," no biscuit!

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