Suggestions and Advice Solicited!
From: "Pat Connaughton" <patconnaughton@e...>
Date: Mon, 25 Dec 2000 11:19:02 -0600
Subject: Suggestions and Advice Solicited!
The greetings of the Holidays to you all and I come
before you with a plea for help.
Christmas has been berry, berry good to me and thus
I am able to start on a Full Thrust project much sooner
than I anticipated.
I got into the FT addiction about a year ago and quickly purchased
all available books and started collecting my own figs. Chiefly, I
used B5, Task Force, and other miscellanous figs. (a kind
friend is supplying my addiction with a dose of Superiors presently).
However, I've gamed with various folk and they, along with my own
regular gaming group have commented on the lack of canon vessels
in my collection. I've pored over the books and read through the brief
descriptions of doctrine and concept in the FB's as wells. Here's my
request (sorry for the long intro).
I plan to aquire a set of each of the principle human fleets represented
FB#1. The FSE, NAC, ESU, and the NSL. Could the 'list suggest an Order
of Battle for a typical task force of say 15 to 20 ships that woudl
the appropriate mix of weapons and ships to typify each of the
spacial nations? SInce, plan to play a lot of FT this year, this seems
to be
the best way to approach this.
Also, any comments, suggestions or notes on doctrine, fleet tactics etc
from the list would be welcome. Part of the fun of the game is to
attempt to
succeed while following the concepts of the nation that your're
on the gametable.
(Hopefully, Kieran will be gentle with me on this order)
Please feel free to send me a reply of list if you like.
Thanks in advance
Pat Connaughton
e-mail -
homepage -
ICQ # 2535086
"Let joy be unconfined. Let there be dancing in the streets,
drinking in the saloons, and necking in the parlor."
--Groucho Marx (as Otis Driftwood)
"A Night At the Opera"