Re: [HIST] classical matchups
From: KH.Ranitzsch@t...
Date: 30 Nov 2000 09:06 GMT
Subject: Re: [HIST] classical matchups
> > > FSE
> > > Allies/Friendly: PAU, ESU, LLAR
> > > Enemies: NAC, NSL, IF, NFR
> >
> > Question: why put the IF on the hostile list? As far as I can see,
> > the FSE is the only major power they haven't fallen out with.
> >
> > ==> This was based on the history of France and Spain in most of
> > their relations with colonies over the years. I also figured that >
> the primarily Christian FSE would not necessarily see eye to eye
> > with the IF from a religious or ideological perspective.
> The IF worlds were never FSE colonies although there are a few FSE
> enclaves on IF worlds (also one NSL and one NAC enclave).
I think he wasn't referring to space colonies, but to the fact that
many IF countries on Earth were colonies of FSE countries: Algeria,
Tunisia, Syria, Lebanon (all French), Morocco (French/Spanish), Libya,
> I don't know that I'd describe France as Christian presently and in >
any event they haven't shown any reluctance to do business with
> Muslim nations.
With recent (mainly Algerian) immmigration, the numbers of Muslims is
in France is very large. There are many more active 'churchgoers' among
them than among the nominally Christian French. Take this together with
their higher birthrate and Islam is well on track to becoming the
active religion in France. There is an interesting article on this in
November's 'Atlantic Monthly'
The Catholic Church is more alive in Spain and Italy and there is less
immigration there. Although Spain has had a good-sized Islamic
immigration recently.
Islam is likely to be a good-sized (though mostly minority) religion in
the NAC, NSL, ESU and IC.
Karl Heinz