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Re: Sci-Fi Crossover after action report

From: "Peter Mancini" <peter_mancini@m...>
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 09:38:43 -0500
Subject: Re: Sci-Fi Crossover after action report

----- Original Message -----
From: John Leary <>
>      I have been trying to devise rules for
> most of the standard popular sci-fi shows,
> Starwars, B5, BG, ect..
> Tie fighters are scrapings off the bottom
> of the barrel, as far a capability goes.

What?  These guys are willing to chase Corillian Tramp Freighters into
Asteroid Belts and continue to fight even though over 65% of their
is dead due to smashing into flying rocks!  These guys have more balls
you can imagine.  Also, that revisionist Lucas only shows the battles
lost.  Do you think they dominated the entire known galaxy because they
suck?  Hardly.

It was the political system that was really at fault in their demise. 
Emperor, "Gramps" as he was known behind his back, though depicted as
evil and powerful, was really just an old fuddy duddy.	He was as cute
anyone's grandfather and about as capable of running the Universe.  Had
younger and more energetic leader, Darth Vader, not become a turncoat
Universe would have been much better organized and able to deal with the
pesky Marxists from Aldeberan.

Just my 0.02cr

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