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Re: [FT] SML magazines

From: "Alan and Carmel Brain" <aebrain@d...>
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 22:35:51 +1100
Subject: Re: [FT] SML magazines

From: "Beth Fulton" <>

>  >a. Roll for magzaine only; if damaged,
>  >all missiles in the magazine are lost
>  >b. Roll for magazine only; if damaged,
>  >magazine must be repaired, then
>  >each missile must be repaired
>  >c. Roll threshold for magazine and
>  >each missile.  Once magazine is
>  >repaired, any undamaged missiles are available.
>  >d. Roll threshold for magazine; if
>  >damaged, the magazine itself need not
>  >be repaired but each missile must be repaired to be usable.

> Unless I've misinterpreted I think you've missed an option. We roll
> magazine on a threshold check (rolling for individual missiles just
> to add to many rolls to what can be a long process in big games). If
> magazine is repaired then you get all the unused missiles back no

The option we use is:
A hit KO's one missile (the one that got hit), and the magazine.
Magazine then can be repaired. Of course if that was the only missile

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