Inhumane Weapons
From: "Peter Mancini" <Peter_Mancini@m...>
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 00:55:21 -0500
Subject: Inhumane Weapons
An inhumane weapon is determined arbitrarily. While weapons of mass
destruction such as poison gas and nuclear weapons obviously fall into
this category, on occation weapons that would seem very humane have been
banned CS (Tear) gas was banned from U.S. Army use in Viet Nam after it
was proven effective at clearing out "spider holes" or the tunnel system
the filthy* VC used. After the ban soldiers had to go in with
flashlights and .45's (rather more dangerous than rolling in a few
Orbital Bombardment might be considered inhumane if it can't be done
surgically, for example. Land mines in the shape of colorful toys
dropped in civilian occupied areas are probably also very inhumane. Of
course it didn't stop the Soviets from dropping helicopter loads of them
on the Afgans. Oddly, weapons that maim are considered more humane than
weapons that kill it seems in some cases.
Check out "Acts of War: The Behaviour of Men in Battle" Free Press;
ISBN: 0029148510 while not so much about inhumane weapons, it does go
into the psychological aspects of behavior in battle. The book is by
Richard Holmes.
For a clear description of Inhumane weapons check out "Weapons of Mass
Destruction & Terrorism" by James Campbell. It isn't the best book in
the world, but it should prove interesting as a primer on terrorism and
so forth. I have not read it myself but I have heard it has positively
awful editing. Reader Beware.
A well recieved book on counter-terrorism gear (take not FMA/SG2 fans!):
"Counter-Terrorism Equipment " by Ian V. Hogg and Ray Hutchins is pretty
good. It's ISBN number is: 185367267X.
*I mean that in the nicest way
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