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Re: Painting, Airbrush Questions

From: krs@g...
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 10:23:49 -0800
Subject: Re: Painting, Airbrush Questions

On 7 Nov 00, at 7:12, John Fox wrote:

> Hello Everyone:
>   I am thinking about getting an airbrush to do some
>   painting of my minatures 
> and I have a couple questions.
>   1) What type of paint should one use with the airbrush?
>    A laquer type paint, acrylic, water bases, oil based
>    what?

All of the above can be airbrushed and each has its own 

>   2) How many coats of the paint does one normaly have to
>   use to ccompletely 
> cover a minature?

That depends on the setting of the airbrush, the type of 
paint and your skill.  You should go for multiple light 
coats at first, one mistake with an airbrush can cause 
you to strip a mini.

>   3) How narrow (wide) of a area can one paint with one
>   pass?

Most airbrush systems (I use Paashe), have both a 
control setting or settings, and tips ranges from narrow to 
wide.  So you set the width before spraying your figures.  
Usually somewhere between hairline and 3/8" wide.

 4) The paints at the hobby store for models are
>   expensive.	Can I use 
> something from Home Depot or a hardware store? (related to
> Q#1)

NOOOOOO!!!  Hobby paints are more expensive because 
they are FORMULATED to work on miniatures.  The grain 
size of acrylic house paint would probably turn a fine 
nozzle to a superwide nozzle in a single session!

>   5) Is it worth getting an airbrush?

I use my airbrushs to paint large mats for gaming, to 
paint the occasional 25mm tank or to paint a building.	
Painting anything smaller for me is more work than the 
airbrush is worth.
>   If some people could help me with these questions (or any
>   I have not thought 
> of) I would appreciate it.
>   Thanks
>   John W. Fox

You're welcome!!

KR, Geo-Hex

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