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Re: New Pod armaments (Boarding Pods)

From: Charles Stanley Taylor <charles.taylor@c...>
Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2000 23:29:57 GMT
Subject: Re: New Pod armaments (Boarding Pods)

In message <> you wrote:

> ---- Begin Original Message ----
>  From: Sean Bayan Schoonmaker <>
> Sent: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 10:55:10 -0800
> To: gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
> Subject: RE: New Pod armaments (Boarding Pods)
> >Pods and Crew roll at the same time.
> >Crew:  #   Roll to kill 1 pod or crew
> >	   1	 6
> >	   2	 5
> >	   3	 4
> >Pod:   1	6
> >
> >If the crew factor is lost, the corresponding hull box
> >is also lost.
> ---- End Original Message ----
> So you'd end up something like fighter fights. Each side rolls and
adds their
 numerical bonus 
> to their die roll. I'm not sure I like the pure 6 for the pod, you'd
think so
mething specifically 
> designed to go and kill crw would be better then just the average crew
who don't get out 
> and do hand to hand fighting.
> Jaime
> Beer Mail, brought to you by your friends at
Hmm.. thinking about these things some more:

Assume normal Pod costs (1 biomass, 3 power)

Attack as a Lance Pod

Use an expanded version of the table above:

Pods and Crew roll at the same time.
Crew:	 #   Roll to kill 1 pod or crew
	 1     6
	 2     5+
	 3+    4+
Killer:  1     5+, or even 4+ (very nasty)
Control: 1     6 (controlled, not killed)

Killer pods inject a unit of killer bioconstructs that are programmed to
hunt and kill all non-SV biological entities. If they kill all the crew,
the ship is adrift.

Control pods release swarms of 'control bugs' that latch onto the crew
and take them over (yes, I nicked them from the 'Starship Troopers' TV
show, that nicked the basic concept from RH's 'Puppet Masters' :-).

You could use a similar mechanism for boarding actions, as well.

Marines and carried troops can be added to the crew factor, say, 1 extra
crew per MASS of troops carried?

On a related note, I'm looking forward to see how Sa'Vasku bioconstruct
ground troops are handled in BDS :-)


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