Prev: Re: Re: New Pod armaments | Next: Re: Re: New Pod armaments |
>An automatic crew kill is too powerful, particularly if it's a once
>per turn thing. Small ships won't have the resources to fight it, and
>having less crew to begin with, will very quickly be adrift.
>Another way to look at it is as a boarding action. This way, even
>small ships can fight - destruction isn't automatic for ships of 1
>crew. This would also force the attacker to coordinate the assault of
>many pods to have a decent chance.
How about on a 1-3 the pod is killed by the crew?
>Having looked at the boarding party rules they're far too
>prohibative. I prefer the die roll based
>on beam rolls to see if the pod kills crew.
>4-5 Kill one
>6 Kille one + reroll
>Beer Mail, brought to you by your friends at
Tony Christney
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