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[FMA] Questions + comments

From: Ted Arlauskas <ted@n...>
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 00:24:38 -0800
Subject: [FMA] Questions + comments

Today I ran FMA for the first time and we came up with a
couple of questions and comments:

-There seems to be some discrepancies in the way that area effect
weapons (grenades, missiles) are costed.  Why do grenades
and DRL's have an 8+6+4 Accuracy total when missiles have
12+12+12?  What is the Close range band for an area-effect
weapon?  I thought all area-effect weapons had a fixed number
for their range bands?

-What effect does "Spread fire" have?  Shotguns can do
this, but the effect isn't listed.

-Leaders can only transfer actions to troops w/in their command
radius and LOS.  What if they had radios?  Could they transfer
actions to any of their troops with radios?  How much should
radios cost?

-The higher your Quality, the farther your deviation will be!
Deviation distance is the amount your roll when you test to
see if you're on target.  Lower quality = smaller die = less
deviation.  Higher quality = larger die = more deviation.

-What is the vision distance into woods?  In SG2 you must
be w/in 1" of the edge to shoot out?  What's the feeling
for FMA?  How about the effects of woods on LOS to other
troops in your unit for purposes of unit cohension?

Ted	       |   LA Palm User Group Home Page  |

Ground Zero Games West Coast Convention - October 20-22, 2000

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