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Re: FSE misnomer (what you call where you live)

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t...
Date: 12 Oct 2000 09:43 GMT
Subject: Re: FSE misnomer (what you call where you live)

>Betreff: Re: FSE misnomer (what you call where you live)
> >Indeed, and without wanting to offend anyone, the GZG future 
> >history isheavily anglo-centric.
> Of course it is! It was written by two Brits! (Myself for the 
> basics, then a lot fleshed out by Steve Blease)
> We never intended it to be a particularly "accurate" prediction of 
> future politics (!) - it was written primarily to give a game 
> universe in which there were still many separate human states, most > 
of whom disliked/distrusted the others, thus giving an excuse for 
> battles between virtually any combination of fleets.

No problem, really. We just sometimes take the GZG history too 
seriously ;-)

Though I think you have reduced the number of independent powers 
somewhat too drastically. India and China/Russia as independent powers
have offered some extra opportunities to have interesting forces.

> I will admit that, in the back of our minds, there was a desire to 
> do something a little different from the usual "Americans Rule the 
> Galaxy" backgrounds rather prevalent in games at the time.... <grin>

Fine with me

> (Oh, and the Neu Swabian bit was Steve's - apparently he named it 
> after an original Swabian League from sometime in the 1400s - sorry > 
if it sounds odd to German players, but the ship names etc, for the > 
NSL mostly came from a German customer (Karsten Strochsen, who got 
> the FT503 named after him in thanks!))

I was always wondering about that one, as most of the others were 
easily recognised as Imperial German / Austrian ship names.

Karl Heinz

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