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Re: New site?

From: Chan Faunce <chanfaunce@t...>
Date: Mon, 09 Oct 2000 19:56:00 -0400
Subject: Re: New site?

Chris DeBoe wrote:

> And some overconfident neurotic will be running a Full Thrust
> battle, "First CanAm", on Sunday morning.

Has any 'consensus' (yeah, right) been reached as far as set-up, how
sides will
be chosen (given the fact that there will almost certainly be lots more
Here as opposed to There), etc.

I mean, come-on, we only have 4 months to hash this out after all.

Channing C. Faunce

NEW projects

It is caffeine alone that sets my mind in motion.
It is through the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed,
     that hands acquire shakes,
     that shakes become a warning.
It is caffeine alone that lets me roll the dice.


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