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Re: Help for Oerjan)

From: Glenn m wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Sun, 08 Oct 2000 23:42:46 EDT
Subject: Re: Help for Oerjan)

On Sun, 8 Oct 2000 22:15:01 -0400 "Laserlight" <>
>Some of the state governments are quite rational, occasionally.
>And there are parts of the Federal Government that work well
>(there have got to be some--there's so much of it, after all).

You referring to the US Federal government?  I have worked for them (Civ
and military) for over 20 years - still looking for such a group...

>> So, do you think that the members of the NAC would be called
>"Americans" by
>> everyone else? Or "English"? I suppose they're called "Anglos",
>short for
>> Anglians.
>Earning undying enmity from the Quebecois, and I don't imagine
>the South & Central Americans would much like it either.

So what's new there?  <grin>

>> Hmmm... Wonder what the citizens of the other nation groups
>would be called.

The new Romanov thing?

Ivans?	Romans?

The OU guys?

Mates?	Seriously, what would you called the combined Aussies, NZ's, and
'assorted islanders'?

The Islamic Fed?
(NPC joke alert)
Mohammed ?

(Seriously, pretty much every Middle Eastern person of Arab descent I
have met is either named this or has a parent or sibling named this - or
some version of it - talk about the influence one man's life has had on
whole series of nations... This is incredible.	Granted the sampling is
pretty selective - College in the 1970's, again in the 1980's and
work. Still it's liking having every third person named Jim Smith...)

Gracias, Triphibious/Glenn
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