Re: I. Am. Anglian! (was Re: Help for Oerjan)
From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2000 22:15:01 -0400
Subject: Re: I. Am. Anglian! (was Re: Help for Oerjan)
> (Don't understand the point behind the title "I. Am. Anglian."?
That's okay,
> the Canadians out there do...)
I understand Quebec is going to hold yet another referendum next
> Americans are only scary when they get together in packs of
State size and
> larger. *duck* and *grin*
Some of the state governments are quite rational, occasionally.
And there are parts of the Federal Government that work well
(there have got to be some--there's so much of it, after all).
> So, do you think that the members of the NAC would be called
"Americans" by
> everyone else? Or "English"? I suppose they're called "Anglos",
short for
> Anglians.
Earning undying enmity from the Quebecois, and I don't imagine
the South & Central Americans would much like it either.
> Hmmm... Wonder what the citizens of the other nation groups
would be called.
> NSL = Swabians? How about "Neubies"? *L*
Swabians or Swabbies
> ESU = Eurasians, I guess.
> FSE = Europans? Feds?
Euros. Or "Feese." Which inevitably degenerates pretty quickly.