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Re: DS2 Mudular walkers

From: Glenn m wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Sun, 08 Oct 2000 20:46:25 EDT
Subject: Re: DS2 Mudular walkers

On Fri, 6 Oct 2000 07:42:54 -0400  "Bell, Brian K"
<> writes:
>I like your hull down rule. It also works for non-reverse-articulated 
>mechs as they just go prone at the end of the movement (face down/face 
>your choice).
>I was in a BT campaign one time (GOOD campaign that lasted over 2 
>During one of my early games, we (a reinforced company of 4 lances or 
>mechs -- 1 light lance, 2 medium lances and one Hvy/Assault Command 
>faced an ambush by tanks in prepared positions (hull down) supporting 
>opposing heavy Mech force (about company strength of 3 lances or 12 
>mostly heavy and assault Mechs). We were taking many hits from the 
>while we dealt with the opposing Mechs (we managed about even trades 
>the opposing Mech force despite the size difference). I soon saw that 
>were on the verge of having to withdraw if something was not done. I 
>my Mech across the battlefield and then went prone at the end of 
>movement. I
>got many questions like "What are you doing?!?!" from both the 
>opponent and
>my own team. I was shot at, but was not hit (being prone, I presented 
>smaller target). The next turn I was able to stand up, close the 
>and enter the tank trench. I blasted away with chest and arm weapons
>removing 2 tanks, then kicked-in the side of the nearest tank. This 
>was very
>disconcerting to the tanks, to have a 45 ton giant stomping on them 
>being able to fire back, so they pulled out of their prepared 
>positions to
>get a shot at me (the prepared positions limited their arc of fire and
>restricted movement). While they were doing this, I opened up on them 
>point blank range (top armor shots), and kicked in the turret of 
>tank. Now that the tanks were distracted, my rest of my lance ran to 
>tank trench (without being fired upon) and decimated the remaining 
>Without support of the tanks, the opposing Mech force retreated. End
>verdict: An unorthodox tactic turned the tide of the battle (one that 
>gamemaster had set up for us to loose and retreat from in order to set 
>the next game).   :-)	
Ah, the acid test of a GM/DM - now how do you handle the (excellent)
tactics of a player that blew your preconceived 'set-up' - did you plan
alternatives?  Do you have NPC's/other forces set up for such a 'remote'
possibility?  OR can you use this to introduce the next scenario  a
different way?

Great move by the way!

Gracias, Triphibious/Glenn
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