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Aliens soundtrack

From: Brian Burger <yh728@v...>
Date: Sat, 7 Oct 2000 22:11:48 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Aliens soundtrack

For those of you interested in soundstracks to game by, check the
following address:

This is a very large Aliens fan site, and (part way down the page) they
have MPG files of 10 of the pieces of music that were in the movie but
didn't, for whatever reason, get added to the official-release Aliens
soundtrack CD.

I've got it running on my computer as I'm writing this, and it's some of
the really good atmospheric tracks from the movie - perfect for running
during your SG2 or FMA bughunt! (I've also got the CD on order at local

Brian - -
- -

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