Full Thrust Game, Saturday, 16 Sept MtVw, CA, USA
From: John Fox <jfox@v...>
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000 08:49:40 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Full Thrust Game, Saturday, 16 Sept MtVw, CA, USA
Hello Everyone:
This is a note to inform you that there will be a Full Thrust game
Saturday, 16 September starting at roughly 11AM. This will be at the
Coast Gaming Club minicon held each month. For information about
location (etc)
Aaron Clark will be running a Fleet Book 1 series of games. So, make
with 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 points. Bring them and see if you can
match wits
(and beams and pulse torp and salve missiles etc) with everyone else and
the victor.
John W. Fox