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Re:[FT] Quick Reference Sheet for Newbies

From: Aron_Clark@d...
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 08:00:42 -0700
Subject: Re:[FT] Quick Reference Sheet for Newbies

I've been working on a FT reference sheet for new players.  Basically
it's a
table showing the icons of each system, their names, and a brief outline
of the
associated rules.  I should have it finished this weekend and posted to
my site
early next week.  I'll keep the list informed. on 08/31/2000 08:05:44 PM

Please respond to gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU

To:   gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
cc:    (bcc: Aron Clark/AM/Avid)
Subject:  Re:FT Quick Reference Sheet for Newbies

With a bit of luck, I might be running a FT demo/participation game at
in January. It would mean not playing in the FT comp, but them's the

I was wondering though if anyone has a concise quick reference sheet for
dealing with the basic rules, with diagrams etc that is available on the

Simple things like:

Basic Cinematic Movement
Beam mechanics ( especially vs shields)
Torpedo mechanics (maybe - see below)
Threshold checks and repairs

..and that's about it. Missiles, fighters etc could be omitted for a
demo game.

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