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Re: [OT] [gzg hist] UN Covert Ops

From: "Alan and Carmel Brain" <aebrain@d...>
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 23:05:55 +1000
Subject: Re: [OT] [gzg hist] UN Covert Ops

> I also thought it impressive
> how the story covered the fact that while the First World provides the
> and "the angst", the Third World end up providing the troops - the
> "Mogadishu Line" determining that no Western country is willing to
> their own troops in such operations.

Unless they go in *before* the UN, and under somewhat more liberal rules
of engagement. As in East Timor recently.

(Anyone know of any other occasion in recent memory when a country
of 20 million was willing to take on one of 180 million? No? OK, that
proves it, we *are* stupid barbarians. Of course, that reputation is
useful sometimes.)

> Wasn't it Australia who was mixed up in the use of Sandline
mercenaries in
> New Guinea?

Only peripherally. We intercepted the arms that were going to be used,
Government of the day rather disapproved of the whole concept. The
disposed of  as a public danger ( some of those 70mm rockets were
rusty... )
and the transport helo was a mouldy old Mi-8, not the new Mi-17 that had
promised. So when conracting mercenaries, make sure they're equipped as
they say they are.

AFAIK we still have the Mi-24(B model I think) in storage somewhere near

Truth is stranger than even the Tuffleyverse.

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