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RE: Ship Spin (wa Re: [FT] DDs and DHs inspired by WW2 types )

From: "Bell, Brian K" <Brian_Bell@d...>
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 08:36:45 -0400
Subject: RE: Ship Spin (wa Re: [FT] DDs and DHs inspired by WW2 types )

This was discussed several months back (last year?). 

I had suggested that engines have double rating: T for Thrust and M for
Maneuver). T be massed at 2% ship mass * T and M at 6% ship mass * M. To
avoid min-maxing, add T and M masses together (including fractional
and then round to get engine mass, then cost if figured.

A mass 100 ship with a MD of 4 in the Fleet Book (such as the NSL
BC) now has a MD mass/cost of 20m/40c.

Under the new system it would have an engine rating of 4T/2M. T of 4
(8m/16c) and M of 2 (12m/24c).

T give 1 point of acceleration per T used.
Under cinematic 1/2 T may be used for deceleration instead of
Under cinematic M gives you 1 point turn per M used.
Under vector M give you 2 point face change per M used.
Under vector Pushes are eliminated (or limited to 1).

For advanced drives (KV) use 2.5% for T and 2.5% for M.

These rules do not effect the SV.

The advantage of this system is that it does not negate any of the FB1
designs.  Assume all FB1 (and Phalon) designs have engines rated at T =
and M = 1/2 * MD. Assume all KV designs have T = MD and M = MD.

Brian Bell	   

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 3:44 PM
> To:	gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
> Subject:	Ship Spin (wa Re: [FT] DDs and DHs inspired by WW2 types

> I wonder if a simple rule change might make things more interesting.
> spinning in vector movement (or if a ship is sitting still in
> movement) it costs 1 thrust point to spin one or two points, and 2
> to spin three turn points. That is, to spin up to 120 degrees costs
> point, and to spin 180 degrees costs 2. 
> I could even happily try 1 thrust point per turn. A 1 point turn costs
> spin point, a two point turn costs 2 points, etc. If you have a big,
> NSL ship with thrust 2, you simply are NOT going to be able to spin it
> degrees in one turn. 
> I'm not sure what this would do to existing Fleet Book designs.
> Allan Goodall -
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