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DragonFlight 2000

From: Brian Burger <yh728@v...>
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2000 22:23:06 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: DragonFlight 2000

Hi everyone,

Just got back this evening from DragonFlight 2000 in Seattle. Very cool
convention, lots of great games, interesting people - including several

Mark 'Hauptmann' was there - he played in my FR! scenario, then we had a
good 1500pt/side FT game, my Phalon vs his not-Kzinti (can't remember
name for them, Mark!). The game was mostly a draw - the PH plasma bolts
were a rude shock to his squadron, then we worked each other over well
close-range fire before splitting off. I lost one BDN & one DH with no
other damaged ships, and Mark lost two CCs and had his DN damaged a bit.

Also met Stiltman - Eric. Had a short, unsatisfactory game of FT - I got
swarmed by fighters, then walked into my own & his plasma bolts, then
the table with only my BDN surviving... I always play vector, and the
larger burst radius of cinematic PBLs caught me. (I prefer vector, it's
more interesting & challenging...) Wild contrast in playing styles - my
group & I tend to use fairly FB1/2 standard ships, vector, and all the
fighter morale/endurance rules. Stiltman uses massive
ships, cinematic, and masses of fighters without any of the limiting
rules... do you have _any_ designs lighter than about 300 mass, Eric? :>

Overall, a great convention. I took a lot of pictures, and I'll write a
full report, both of which I'll post to my webpage pretty soon.

Brian - -
- -

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