Re: FW: [Stargrunt-Fullthrust] DS 2 quirk
From: Glenn m wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 17:26:11 EDT
Subject: Re: FW: [Stargrunt-Fullthrust] DS 2 quirk
On Thu, 24 Aug 2000 13:04:39 -0700 (PDT) writes:
>Glenn wrote:
>> So does anybody use DS2 with a different background then the
>> one? I like it but with I have an objective to merge it with my old
>> Starguard campaign world (Cotu) to make the battles more then
>> skirmishes/platoon (-) actions.
>I haven't played it yet, but I have every intention of eventually
>using it to
>supplement my FT pseudo-campaigns. I find myself thinking that I
>might adapt
>it slightly for a BattleTech-like setup, where Infantry Walkers can
>dropped from orbit alongside bulkier Combat Walkers in shuttle
This is beginning to sound like a lead in to the FT Modular ship thread
at gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU but it has merits. How would you dump the
exoskeleton after landing - explosive bolts idea? Since Combat Walkers
are larger then "Very Large' vehicles this would practically be a
'disposable' ship situation.
>It might or might not involve a house rule tweak to the p.43 rules on
>drops, depending on how much extra metal you've got to have around a
>Walker for it to constitute an "Assault Lander".
I think it would be more along the lines of a Dropship.
Unless you went to Mega-size strap-on 'reverse JATO' packs.
>There's quite a few sci-fi setups that I wouldn't mind mixing with it,
>ultimately. From the AT-ATs in Star Wars to the mecha in
>to hovertanks... I could have some fun with this. :)
I am more prone to try and adapt it to the Hostile Contact rules that
brought FGU's original Space Marines into Starguard.
Let's see that would be a DS2 adaptation of a Starguard adaptation of
Space Marines... Talk about Mutations....
> The Stilt Man
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Actually, resistance is everything. 8^)
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