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RE: Old Starguard player babble

From: Michael Brown <mwbrown@v...>
Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 19:41:42 -0700
Subject: RE: Old Starguard player babble

Can you ID the source behind this...

Michael Brown

-----Original Message-----
From:	Glenn m wilson 
Sent:	Saturday, August 19, 2000 6:14 PM
To:	gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
Subject:	Old Starguard player babble

>> Maybe it has
>> something to do with my
>> introduction to SF war games being Starguard...
>> Gracias,
>> Triphibious Marines = Nektons.
>> Not all Frogs are French, or even Human!
>> Nektons, be all the Marine you can be!
>Ralnai, and Bugs for me.
>With colonials for the Human side, Starguard
>to stiffen them up.
>Bye for Now,
>John L.

Ralnai!  Oh dear, this means war of course! 

 And This old Nekton was looking forward to retirement.  Yeah and
suffer from Anorexia too.

Ralnai were pretty tough before the inevitable SG/ MI PA advantage
popular.  Un/fortunately I prefer having mostly lights rather then tons
of PA heavies - too much of an edge ruins the game.  Disruptors just
don't have the same impact on PA as on SG lights.  Ditto for Dreenoi
(bugs) for that matter.  Have you seen The Ralnai PA J.M. has on the
Reviresco web site?  The power guns are cool but just aren't enough to
overcome SG PA units from what I hear.	Let's not even think about
"Trolls" from the Terrans......

Triphibious Marines = Nektons.
Not all Frogs are French, or even Human!
Nektons, be all the Marine you can be!	

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