Re: [FT]Modular Ships
From: "Alan and Carmel Brain" <aebrain@d...>
Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 18:24:23 +1000
Subject: Re: [FT]Modular Ships
From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <>
> Then, to use your terminology, the MEKO and STANFLEX ships are
> "reconfigurable" and not "modular". The equipment modules aren't
> hardwelded to the main hull; IIRC it takes less about six hours and a
> good crane to change a STANFLEX equipment module for another. Sample
> equipment modules include gun modules, anti-ship missile modules,
> anti-air missile modules, anti-sub modules and probably a number of
> others as well that I can't remember right now. The MEKOs are similar.
For MEKOs the crane's a bit bigger. Sometimes a lot bigger, depending on
exact module type.
I forgot to say that Malaysia has just purchased some MEKO-100 Patrol
Vessels, with the COSYS-100 combat system on. That makes about 20
navies ships some of my work's sitting on... Sometimes only a few bits
of the design, like the F-123's 76mm ballistics calculations. Sometimes
like on the new Israeli subs. And in this case, a shipload.
> "Next week the USS Vincennes will be used for ASW duties, so tomorrow
> we'll lift out her anti-surface missiles and the gun turret and
> them with ASW modules." Replace "USS Vincennes" with the name of a
> Danish STANFLEX ship, and the statement would be entirely valid.
I agree, couldn't have put it better myself.
And as anyone on the list can tell you, when both Oejan and myself agree
something, then the reliability is high <g>.