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[FT] KISS Campaign System

From: "Robertson, Brendan" <Brendan.Robertson@d...>
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 18:10:27 +1000
Subject: [FT] KISS Campaign System


Hope you like them, it draws on several of my old posts as well as some
ideas that have turned up over the last few weeks.

1.	Initial setup
2.	Movement
3.	Combat
4.	Economics
5.	Construction
6.	Research
7.	End phase & Optional rules.

1.	Setup a grid map using sectors with the home planet in a corner.
The distance between home planets should be equal to the number of weeks
want to play (assuming 2-3 games/week).  This supports up to 4 players. 
there are 3 players, the player being "bracketted" gets an extra 25%
bonus to give them a fighting chance.  If you want to use more than 4
players, you'll need to use a hex grid and spread the players out

The player with the most territory at the end of the campaign "wins" and
must take a 10% penalty on all resource production in the next game.

All squares outside the home system are left blank initially & rolled
when explored for the first time (this can be kept secret if you have a
to moderate the game).	The result indicates the resources available to
system (see economics).  Once initally rolled, this doesn't change.

1:	Useless (roll again: on a 5-6, it is a black hole/pulsar and the
fleet is destroyed).
2:	20 BPV, 
3:	30 BPV
4:	40 BPV
5:	40 BPV, 1d6 research
6:	50 BPV & repair base (up to mass 60 ships only)

To be held, the player must have been the last one in the sector & have
least 2 other "friendly" sectors touching it (including diagonals).  The
home sector counts as 2 for this purpose.

2.	Movement

Players write orders for each fleet using grid references in secret &
move fleets simultaneously.  Fleets move 1 sector each month (abstract)
fight any enemies encountered.	Unless outmassed more than 2:1, fleets
fire at least one turn in anger before disengaging (including transport
vessels).  This is to force at least minimum damage, as the winner
the square.

3.	Combat

Combat is resolved as a normal FT game.  If there are fixed defences in
system, they must start on the table unless both players agree to fight
separate battles for the sector.  If three or more players contest the
system, they all fight at once if you have a large enough play area.

4.	Economics

The home sector produces 200 BPV per month & build ships of any size
by the tech base.  Each additional sector produces a random amount from
20-50 BPV per month.  These points can be spent anywhere in the empire
construction, repairs or replacement munitions or saved up for later

5.	Construction

Ships are constructed at the home sector or repair bases.  The full cost
BPV is paid when the keel is laid, and at the end of each turn (not the
the cost is paid), d6x10 mass of the ship is built.  This should give an
average of 1 turn for escorts, 2 turns for cruisers & 3 or more turns
capital ships.
If the system falls, then all current construction is lost.

Each player starts with 5 basic designs they can build free, but the
hull of each new design (more than 10% mass change in systems) costs
All ships are fully repaired in one month (not the month they were
at a cost of 20% (or part thereof) per threshold of the hull damage. 
it costs 1-79% of the new price to fully repair].
Munitions can be built in any quantity by paying the cost, but cannot be
used without an appropriate laucher / hanger etc.  This may require a
transport to carry them to the fleet for resupply.
Ships can be scrapped for 25% of their new value at any base which can
handle it, including captured enemy ships (this could give a bonus in

Fixed defences can be constructed, but note they require a tug or tender
move to their new location.

6.	Campaign Research (optional)

Each player gets an initial research budget of 5-8d.  (agreed before
campaign start)
Each game month, they get an additional 2-4d research.	(agreed before
campaign start)
Whole die must be split between areas *before* the die roll.

The next advance is available at double mass for the same benefit 
(ie. you develop class-1 beams at 1 mass, class-2 beams are available at
mass +2 mass for 6-arc fire).

Energy & Kinetic weapon research are mutually exclusive (due to design
philosophy) until you capture an intact piece of tech from the enemy
(requires boarding or finding abandoned ships) and scrap it at a base. 
you scrap an enemy ship with higher tech items, you get a d6 bonus in
field for the turn (parity bonus).  This is the only way to research the
opposite weapon tech to your own.

Construction Research:
1	Mass 40 hulls / Partial Streamlining
10	FTFB Hull armour
15	Mass 60 hulls / Full Streamlining
25	Mass 100 hulls / Basic Fighters (requires thrust-6)
50	Mass 160 hulls / Heavy Fighters (requires thrust-6)
75	Mass 200+ hulls
100	Dual Type Fighters (Heavy Attack, Fast Interceptors, etc)

Propulsion Systems:
1	Thrust-2/FTL Drive
10	Thrust-4
25	Thrust-6
30	Tender FTL Drives
50	Thrust-8+
100	Cloaking Field
(advanced drives can be researched separately for 50)

Energy Weapon Research (cannot choose Kinetic Weapon Research):
5	Class-1 beam (Beam mines)
10	Class-2 beam
15	Needle beams
25	Class-3 beam/Interceptor fighters (must have basic fighters)
30	Pulse Torpedoes
50	Class-4+beam/Torpedo fighters (must have basic fighters)
100	Nova Cannon
200	Wave Gun

Kinetic Weapon Research (cannot choose Energy Weapons Research):
1	Scatterpack / MKP
5	Class-1 railgun
10	Class-2 railgun
25	Class-3 railgun
40	Class-4 railgun
60	Class-5 railgun
100	Class-6+ railgun

Missile Weapon Research:
1	Sub Munition Packs
10	Basic Capital Missile (MT nuclear)
20	Minelayer/Minesweeper (subpac mines)
30	EMP/Needle Capital Missiles
40	Ortillery/Attack Fighters (must have basic fighters)
50	Salvo Missiles (Std)
65	Salvo Missiles (ER)
100	Salvo Mines (minefields are IFF salvo missiles)

Defence Systems
1	Firecon
25	Energy Screen 1 (requires Class-3 beams)
50	Energy Screen 2 (requires Class-4 beams)
100	Reflex Field (requires Cloaking Field)

7.	All bookkeeping is performed.

Optional rules:  Fighters can be one of the unbalancing things in
play for both sides.  This option will make both sides respect them &
throw them away.  
Each fighter bay can support 9 pilots.	When a fighter is lost, roll d6:
= pilot and fighter lost, 4-5 = pilot recovered, 6 = fighter & pilot
recovered (or use your own system).  
Replacement Pilots cost 10 BPV each and must be ferried forward from
(as well as the replacement fighters).	To prevent excess amounts of
being kept in reserve, any excess with a fleet will require 1 passenger
aboard a ship somewhere in the fleet train.  This doesn't apply to
pilots in
transit with the replacement fighters.


Neath Southern Skies -
[Pirates] Dame Captain Washalot
[NPJB] Absorbent Sponge Sheesh'Ka'Baab
[MKW2] Admiral Peter Rollins - Task Force Zulu-Beta

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