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Re: FB2 - Torpedo & P Torp

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2000 07:00:16 -0400
Subject: Re: FB2 - Torpedo & P Torp

> >>The "heavy single-shot anti-ship weapons" carried by Torpedo
> >>Fighters aren't necessarily P-torps - indeed, the Torp
> >>descriptions in both MT and FB2 very carefully do *not* use
the term
> >>"Pulse Torpedo" to describe the weapon.

If it's a different weapon, then all the care in not saying
"pulse" is wasted by the lack of care in saying "torpedo"--anyone
who sees PTorp and the Torp Fighter is going to assume the
fighter weapon is a PTorp.
And didn't you say, Oerjan, when the new mechanic for Torp
Fighters was mentioned, that you hadn't seen/signed off on the
new mechanic?

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