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RE: FB2 - Torpedo & P Torp

From: "Davis, Jonathan E (CRD)" <davisje@c...>
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 16:33:47 -0400
Subject: RE: FB2 - Torpedo & P Torp

Bell, Brian K wrote:

>I was referring to the way the Torpedo Fighters do damage equal to the
>initial roll if they hit. I guess that I was extrapolating to regular
>the same mechanic. 

They most definitely don't. P-torps use the FB1 P-torp rule, not any
fighter-related rules.

>I.e. If PTorps hit (use to-hit chart from FB1), they do damage equal
to >the roll. If this is not a correct interpretation, so be it. It
seems silly to >have 2 different mechanics for systems based on the
same weapon.

The "heavy single-shot anti-ship weapons" carried by Torpedo Fighters
aren't necessarily P-torps - indeed, the Torp Fighter descriptions in
both MT and FB2 very carefully do *not* use the term "Pulse Torpedo" to
describe the weapon.


Correct.  The discrepancy is that you'd have a 1/6 chance of getting a 
hit at extreme P-Torp range, but a full 6 points of damage.  It would
be silly if the same launcher at point blank range fires and scores only
two points of damage on a roll of a two.  It must be collecting cosmic
energy as the shot passes through space.

The damage effects of a torpedo fighter weapon and a pulse torpedo
are the same to the armor and hull boxes, if I recall.


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