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Re: A Strange senerio

From: colin.plummer@e...
Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 17:02:36 +0100
Subject: Re: A Strange senerio

Thus spoke Andrew Apter on Thu, Jul 06, 2000 at 10:42:25AM -0400 :
[ scenario snipped ]

What a cool idea... if I ever get the PBeM engine going with all the
and whistles, I might try running it online! :)

As an update for those who might be interested...
  The alpha game is beginning to get going properly, and though no-one
has entered weapons range yet it seems that everyone has decided on a
target group.  Could turn out messy yet! :)

Find the current turn maps at 

Colin Plummer, Core Systems (Energis-Squiggle, the ISP formerly known as
Planet Online)

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