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RE: Sa'Vasku FTL

From: "Bell, Brian K" <Brian_Bell@d...>
Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 07:28:58 -0400
Subject: RE: Sa'Vasku FTL

> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Leary []
> Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 10:35 PM
> To:	gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
> Subject:	Re: Sa'Vasku FTL
> --- Oerjan Ohlson <> wrote:
> ...
> > You "rationalize" my question, but you don't seem to
> > actually *answer*
> > it. If an SV ship can carry any Mass into FTL,
> > regardless of the
> > physical size of its drive, by pouring more power
> > into it, why don't
> > they all just have a Mass-1 drive and replace the
> > rest of the FTL drive
> > with bigger PGs?
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Oerjan Ohlson
>      OK, I got carried away with the rationalization
> of the game mechanics.
> Lets try;
> PSB mode on:
> Each 'S' ship is a certain size (L x W x H) and
> density (normally a constant).   To be able to make
> a 'jump' the ship must punch a hole into 'hyperspace'
> compariable with the size of the ship at the 
> normally constant density.   A drome womb is a 
> 'hole' in a ship that has one, and the overall
> ship density is still equal to the 'normally 
> constant' 'S' value.	 If additional mass is 
> added to the drone womb the mass of the ship
> rises above the 'normally constant' 'S' value 
> and the ship must provide additional power to
> punch thru to hyperspace.
> PSB mode off.
> Is that sufficient?


Bye for now,
John L
.---- End Original Message -----------

Not quite.

Each SV ship has a certain mass, size, and density.
The FTL and engine nodes mass and power requirements 
are based on the mass they must move/jump. So to jump 
or move extra mass, the FTL and engine nodes would 
need to be of larger mass themselves and take a 
correspondingly larger amount of power. 

If you add drones to a womb of an undamaged SV that 
has not used biomass (for pod launchers, drones, etc.),
you increase both mass and density of the construct.
Size may change depending on if the drone womb is more
like an empty shell or an expanding sack. 

Again, I would suggest that this could only be done if
the SV construct was built with oversize engines and
FTL nodes (similar to Human Tug class FTL engines).

In a campaign setting, I could see the extra biomass
collected before leaving an engagement. But I think that
it would be unbalancing to have SV bring extra drones 
INTO a conflict. 

If you want to bring extra fighters to a conflict, use a
"disposable" drone maker:

Brian Bell
Tech: Sa'Vasku (FB2)
Govt: SV 
Mass: 23
Cost: 74
Clas: Infant Broodship (CVM) 
Strm: None
FTL:  Std.
MD:   *A
Armr: 0
Hull: 7
Damg: 2/2/2/1
Crew: n/a
Sens: Std.
  4 x Power Generators (2,2,2,2) [8]
  1 x Cortex Node
  1 x Spicule 
  1 x Stinger Node (FP,F,FS)
  1 x Drone Womb
   1| 1/1
   2| 1/2
   3| 1/3
   4| 2/4
   5| 2/5
   6| 3/6
   7| 3/6 
   8| 4/7
   9| 4/8
  10| 5/-
  11| 5/-	       
  12| 6/-	       
  13| 6/-	       
  14| 6/-	       
  15| 7/-	       
  16| 7/-	       
  17| 8/-	       
  18| 8/-	       

I used 7 biomass, because the ship must survive long enough to launch
drones. If you only had 6 biomass, it would generate the drones and die
before it could launch them.

Brian Bell    

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