Simple Questions
From: "Grogan, Paul" <pg70201@g...>
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 14:32:55 +0100
Subject: Simple Questions
I really should know these, I used to once, and then I forgot them.
1) ADFC's. I thought I'd read somewhere that under FB1 rules, they can
no longer just fire at any fighters/missiles within 6MU, they can only
fire at them if they are a) attacking the ship itself, or b) attacking a
friendly ship that is within 6MU.
When I tried to find the rule again yesterday, I failed.
2) Kra'Vak MKP's and Firecon, (do they need a Firecon themselves).
3) Whilst trying again to find the answer to 2), I couldn't find the
rules for FireCon systems for Human PDS systems. I'm pretty sure they
don't need a working FireCon, I just couldn't find it in the rules
Cheers in advance for the help
P.S: Since I'm off work this week, I've updated my website with pictures
of all my miniatures (Kra'Vak and Sa'Vasku not yet done)
Paul Grogan