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Re: GZG Fighter bases

From: Mark Reindl <mreindl@p...>
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 13:11:12 -0700
Subject: Re: GZG Fighter bases

Hehe, I use bases from the Evil Empire (GW) and mount 1 fighter per base
with a small piece of wire on the back of the base to hold small beads
representing fighters.	When the fighters die, pull off the correct
number of beads.  It also allows me to use different colored beads to
represent different types of fighters, so there's no confusion about
which is which.  I'm thinking I may add another rod to represent CEF as
well, although my fighters have a tendency not to survive long enough to
worry about it :)


Thomas Pope wrote:
> They're also nice if you like to visually represent your fighter
> without dice.  I put some felt on the bottom and drilled out the holes
so I
> can add and remove fighters (glued to bits of wire) at will.	It
> significantly reduces the number of bases I need for fighters, and
> them easier to store.
> The downside is that I have to paint up more fighters than the static
> per base method, but I don't mind that so much.
> Tom

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