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Re: Phalon Plasma Bolts

From: Kevin Walker <sage5@h...>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 15:12:25 -0500
Subject: Re: Phalon Plasma Bolts

on 6/12/00 14:45, Paul Radford at wrote:

> Can Phalon Plasma Bolts affect friendly Phalon ships?
> I assume that they do as the FB2 rules state that they attack all
> within 6MU. Or did i misinterpret this and you won't suffer friendly
> effects (as i just did)? If they do damage friendly craft and possibly
> launching ship too, then using them along with Pulsers set to Close
can be
> quite risky.

Your assumptions are correct.  Every game I've been a Phalon in has
at least one or more quick communiqués for coordinating firing and
maneuvering as to avoiding becoming a victim of my own or my teammates

SMBs specifically state "enemy" ships in the rules while PBs have no
designation that I can find.

Kevin Walker

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