Re: Measuring things...
From: Beth Fulton <beth.fulton@m...>
Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 17:23:16 +1000
Subject: Re: Measuring things...
G'day Mikko,
>I fear I'm opening a can of worms again... take this as my opinion
We have wildly differing opinions it seems ;)
>Well, you have to draw the line somewhere. And, IMHO, the simplest
>possible line is often the best.
Very true, but just to give you the other side of the coin...
>If you do allow pre-measurement, exactly what can I pre-measure?
>When can I measure?
At our house, any time you like ;)
>Can I pre-measure distances to all ships?
Yep, if it takes your fancy, though we usually just measure to the ones
think we have a chance of being in range of ;)
>Can I measure angles?
We've often done that to check you're in arc if its a close one.
>How about to arbitrary spots on the table?
If you want to - your talking to an SM player so that's not an unusual
thing to do ;)
>Can I measure prior to movement?
>Can I place measurement markers on the table?
As in if I know you're current speed can I drop a chit at where that
put you? Then yep you can if you play with us (cones of probability as
where you're going to end up are a common sight on our table).
>Can I write down the measurements I take?
If you want.
>Can I use graph paper?
If you want.
>How about a computer?
Not that that's why its there, but ours is RIGHT beside the gaming
table..... ;)
>Can I bring my own record sheets?
Yep it'll save me photocopying until the cows come home, so long as the
start/end and orders are clear to everybody (this can be a bummer if
got hand writing like mine means I've got to be REAL neat when I play).
>Can I bring my own dice?
Everybody usually does.
Now having said all that, we only play at home/at the club, but I really
can't see why most if not all of these couldn't apply in a tournament
However, I'm probably missing something obvious so don't feel backward
telling me what it is - like any of you need any encouragement ;)
>If I am out there to WIN the tournament, would it not give me at least
>*some* edge to know all the measurements (at least mental assurance if
>nothing of real substance)?
Only if you're the only guy doing it, but if everyone's allowed to
pre-measure where's the problem?
>As nearly always, it's a question of drawing the line somewhere. I
>personally would prefer to err on the side of playability.
I'm guessing from that you think pre-measuring would way slow the game?
our experience it doesn't, then again we use chits to mark where we
you're going to end up and only jot down the odd point, maybe some
as to the volume of time spent on copious detail vs quick notes or
x,y and speeds into a preset-up spreadsheet would be appropriate.
Elizabeth Fulton
c/o CSIRO Division of Marine Research
GPO Box 1538
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