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Re: Panzergrenadier was: Perry Rhodan Models

From: "Alan and Carmel Brain" <aebrain@d...>
Date: Sat, 27 May 2000 09:49:10 +1000
Subject: Re: Panzergrenadier was: Perry Rhodan Models

From: "Karl Heinz Ranitzsch" <>
> There also is the 'poem':
> Er ist kein Mensch, er ist kein Tier,
> er ist ein Panzergrenadier


> He's not man, he's not beast,
> He is a Panzergrenadier
> Doesn't rhyme in English :-(

And it loses something in the translation too.
A bit like 
"Ich bin ein Viktoria - er - Berliner."
(An obscure joke involving doughnuts)

Ruamschiffe Enterprise "Beemen Sie mir zuruck, Schottie!"
(Yes, it sounds hilarious to an English speaker)

Something like the abominable Tutti-Frutti would blow the minds of
most Americans. Man O Man was tried here ( did you know
that Grundy Productions is an Australian firm?) but wasn't

This is getting really off-topic so I'll stop.
But it would be nice to have some marching songs of the major powers.
The ones I know from the OU would all be unprintable though.

Tuess, bis spaeter, AEB

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