RE: HBW and Cutter Beam
From: "Bell, Brian K" <Brian_Bell@d...>
Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 09:58:53 -0400
Subject: RE: HBW and Cutter Beam
I can't remember if there was any conclusions either (and I can never
the archives).
Since FB2 came out, my biggest objection to the Heavy Beam Weapon (HBW),
that of an auto-hit at close range, has been overridden. The K-Guns use
mechanic. :-/
I came up with another mechanic, but don't know if it would
balance out or not.
Cutter Beam
Same mass/cost/arc restrictions as Class-X K-Gun
Roll to hit and damage as Class-X Beam
Damage is marked off VERTICALLY rather than horizontally.
If damage from a CB reaches the last row of its target's
damage tracks, the target rolls a threshold check per its
current threshold level. If damage is beyond the last
damage track, additional damage is lost.
A Class-3 CB rolls 6,4,3 it does 3 points of damage and a
reroll (and gets a 5) for a total of 4 points of damage.
If the target had level-1 screens, the damage would only have
been 3 (as the 4 would not count). If the target had level-2
screens, the damage would have been 2 (as the 6 would have
done 1 pt and the 4 would not have counted).
The target (a Radetzky) has the following damage track
(with some previous damage marked by 'x':
The CB would mark damage as follows (marked by 'X':
xXOOOO <-- Damage is taken to the first armor
xxXoo <-- Damage is taken to the first hull
*oXo <-- Damage is marked vertically
ooXo <-- " " " "
In this round, the CB failed to penetrate to the
last damage row, so no threshold check is made.
The next round the CB rolls 6,5,4 and a reroll of 6 for
6 points of damage:
At this point the target would take a threshold check
(as its first threshold check as it still has a hull
box in the first row). This would NOT cause the threshold
level to change (i.e. the next threshold would still
require a 6 to damage and the core systems would be
safe). Also note that the extra point of damage was
lost (i.e. not recorded).
What this hopes to model is a deep penetration weapon.
It punches through a ship, in hopes of hitting a
critical system. If it misses a critical system, then
it has less effect in advancing the ship to a regular
threshold check.
So as not to make it too powerful, I chose to make it
fairly costly, effeced by screens and armor in the same
way as regular beams, and limit the arcs.
regular beams
Brian Bell
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Indy []
> Sent: Friday, May 26, 2000 8:50 AM
> To: gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
> Subject: Re: Fleet Book 3
> have been fussing
> with stats for the new ships, and I _really_ want to put HBWs
> in most/many of them, but the HBW discussion (plug! plug!)
> hadn't (that _I_ know of!) reached a concensus regarding mass
> and point costs. I could be wrong, though, having missed a post
> or four (being swamped at the time barely able to keep up with
> the discussion in a peripheral manner :-/ ).
> ;-)
> Mk