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Re: Fleet Book 3

From: Indy <kochte@s...>
Date: Fri, 26 May 2000 08:50:18 -0400
Subject: Re: Fleet Book 3

Neil McGurk wrote:
> Is it too soon to ask what will be in Fleet Book 3?
> Will there be a Fleet Book 3?

You want the BDS crowd to come lynch you, don't you?  ;-)

> Does any one have stat for the UN or the Islamic Fed?

I have some stats for 'my' UN fleet*. I consider most of the
stats to be of 'older' designed ships. I made them prior to
Jon's coming out with the current fleet. I have been fussing
with stats for the new ships, and I _really_ want to put HBWs
in most/many of them, but the HBW discussion (plug! plug!)
hadn't (that _I_ know of!) reached a concensus regarding mass
and point costs. I could be wrong, though, having missed a post
or four (being swamped at the time barely able to keep up with
the discussion in a peripheral manner :-/ ).

* - still being worked on over all, mind you:

> Should I just shut up!

Nah, g'head, talk away! I'm sure the SG2 and DS2 boys are
tracking on you as I type...



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