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Re: Perry Rhodan Models

From: Nyrath the nearly wise <nyrath@c...>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 18:17:23 -0400
Subject: Re: Perry Rhodan Models

Dean Gundberg wrote:
> I looked at Revell's 2000 US catalog last week at a hobby store and
they had
> couple pages of Perry Rhodan ships, pictures and everything.	Maybe
the are
> now available in the US?  Revell's web page is out of date so no info

	Well, I blew a bit more than $25 on a "Marco Polo"
	issued by Revell in England, a purchase from EBay.

	I always liked that ship.
	A spherical ship with an enlarged equitorial ring.
	The propulsion systems are mounted in the ring.  By a calculated
	use of certain engines, the ship can be moved in any direction
	without changing its facing.

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