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Sa'Vasku questions

From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 23:47:48 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Sa'Vasku questions

My FB2 came in yesterday (thanks KR) and I am left with questions.

If a Sa'Vasku takes a threshold it automatically loses the associated
power generator.  Does it make threshold checks on the other power
I would tend to believe it does as there is mention of "Lost PGs may
be replaced in this <damage control> manner, but only if enough power 
points are available from surviving PGs".  The only way I could see
this occuring is through thresholds unless...

Can you target PGs with needle beams/torps?  This looks like a real
achilles tendon for Sa'Vasku, although I guess this also works by
taking out drives on other ships.  Are systems taken out by NBs on
Sa'Vasku still subject to the "no repair" rule?  I would assume so,

It never says, but I am guessing a single stinger node may only attack
one ship as most other weapons follow this.


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