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Re: [OT] Bureau of Relocation

From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 22:09:15 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: [OT] Bureau of Relocation

On 16-May-00 at 21:55, Imre A. Szabo ( wrote:
> > I think we are just going to have to disagree.  All I can do is
> > my	point about non-inheriting children and you are  going to remake
> > your point about petty battles.  Can we call it there?
> Why?
> If you can't afford to out-fit your children as knights,

Who said they couldn't afford to outfit their children as knights?
As far as my source tells me it wasn't a monetary issue, it was
in inheritance issue.  Only the eldest son inherited, and since
England was almost fully enfeofed (I believe that is the word)
second and later sons had a chance of going into the church or
going off and fighting.

 how are going to
> afford to out-fit them as knights AND send them on a very distant
> (interpret as very expensive) campaign to the Middle East???	You'll
> lucky if he gets himself killed.  Then you're only out the huge
expense of
> an equiped knight and the cost to send him over there.  Otherwise you
> out  the huge expense of an equiped knight, the cost to send him over
>  and the large ransom to get him back...

Unless of course he manages to capture a piece of land and hold it, or,
as is more likely, help someone else capture a piece of land and receive
a section for his efforts.


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