Prev: Re: Sa'Vasku Next: Re: [OFFICIAL] another related question (was: Re: Entry speeds)

Geo-Hex's webpage

From: "Michael Johnson" <mjohnson@m...>
Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 06:08:31 -0600
Subject: Geo-Hex's webpage

When are the new items going to be on Geo-Hex's webpage?  I would really
like to see the Phalon ships and the rest of the Sa' Vasku.  Also when
distributors going to have Fleet Book II?  The store I buy from doesn't
to order directly from Geo-Hex anymore and is waiting for The Vault to

Michael Johnson
Technical Support Rep.
Micron Internet Services

Prev: Re: Sa'Vasku Next: Re: [OFFICIAL] another related question (was: Re: Entry speeds)