[FT] Battle report and questions (was Re: A battle report (sort of))
From: Beth Fulton <beth.fulton@m...>
Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 12:52:28 +1000
Subject: [FT] Battle report and questions (was Re: A battle report (sort of))
G'day Paul,
My experience only comes from vector unfortunately, but what we've found
that the opening few rounds of combat with the SV are more crucial than
other races (this is especially so against the KV) as once they KVs have
scored a few shots (especially with their big guns) it becomes an awful
harder on the SV. Basically the SV hit hard and fast and then sort of
puff whereas the KV are a more consistent force through time so it all
comes out in the wash. Our KV vs SV have tended to be closer run things
than yours, about the only one sided game we've had was when the SV were
facing 2x as much KV but didn't have the sense to get out fast enough -
that one hurt!
>this, the Sa'Vasku had on average, more power available to weapons and
>thrust simply due to the fact that they never had a need to power up
>shield nodes (no power allocated to defense) as they have no effect on
>K-guns anyway.
Mmm not sure if that actually makes sense seeings as the KV aren't
for screens either (and the SV have sacrificed mass to the node even if
they don't use it).
>I feel Sa'Vasku may not fair so well against everyone else
>and that Kra'Vak may fair much better against non-Sa'Vasku (which we
>yet to test!). At least i hope so, what with a shipment of Kra'Vak
>miniatures on order! :)
There is some measure of this, but it is really all swings and
in the end I think. I wouldn't be too worried about the KV's punch
Paul even though they're not the monstrosities of old they can still
big time - I know it may well be just psychological but when the KV
here says "and for my class 6s" I start to get those butterflies in the
of my stomach ;)
By the way had a game with the new vector on Friday night and to my
pleasant surprise it didn't take very much to get used to. We did make a
few modifications to our style of play though, went a little slower and
reduced SM attack range to the 3" suggested in FB1 for vector, which
brought something else to mind.... I'm guessing MT missiles would still
have the 6" attack range right?
And one last thing while I think of it, do the heavies still get their
'harder to hit' bonus on PDS rerolls (I have a feeling this has been
discussed before but I can't remember sorry)
Elizabeth Fulton
c/o CSIRO Division of Marine Research
GPO Box 1538
Phone (03) 6232 5018 International +61 3 6232 5018
Fax 03 6232 5053 International +61 3 6232 5053
email: beth.fulton@marine.csiro.au