From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 22:11:34 -0400
Subject: Colonization
I wrote some wonderful, scintillating replies to Brian's
comments on colonization, but I deleted them before
sending--I've been crabby this week, but no need for the list to
bear the brunt of that. Let me recap, then I'll shut up. For a
few minutes, at least.
a) Per canon, space travel will happen.
b) Given that it does happen, it will start out as expensive but
will get cheaper with experience.
c) It will become cheap enough that a person who commits his
life savings will be able to join in a founding colony.
d) Later on, it will become cheap enough for people to travel on
business when required; then, somewhat later, to travel for
their own amusement.
Insofar as I can tell, Brian, you're saying that step c) won't
happen, because space travel is expensive. And I'm saying that
just because it's expensive now, doesn't mean it will always be
too expensive for individuals to pay for.
--Chris DeBoe