Re: MT missiles
From: Aaron Teske <ateske@H...>
Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 17:58:28 -0400
Subject: Re: MT missiles
At 08:41 AM 5/12/00 -0400, Indy wrote:
>So far in most of the cases we've had to float it
>was due to a miscalculation of someone skirting the edge and trying
>to swing back into the thick of things; we've never (so far) had the
>situation where if we float things to allow an errant ship or two to
>stay on the table that others would drop off. Hmmm. And only once did
>I ever use an extra table to not float the main table, but that was
>during Jerry Han's "Berserker" scenario at GZG-ECC earlier this year.
Indy is obviously forgetting the glorious NSL victory over the FSE where
the dogs' supercarrier tried to run away, but was chased down and
destroyed. Unfortunately, some of the FSE escorts managed to get away
provide thier lackeys in the UN with faked footage showing the FSE
as UN escorts, resulting in the good officers of the NSL squadron being
improperly taken to trial for their actions....